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Veterans Day Resource Package

Veterans Day Resource Package: Go Forward In Service!

Flanders Fields; red poppies on white crosses; trench warfare; the American ‘Doughboy’; General Pershing; the Doughnut Girls; and the indomitable Commander Evangeline Booth; just some of the personalities and images we associate with the “War to end all wars” (1914-1918).

Did you know that this year’s Veterans Day observance on November 11th will mark the 100th anniversary of the United States’ entry into World War One? Many corps across the Territory commemorate Veterans Day on the Sunday prior to November 11th.  To help your ministry honor this significant event we have put together a Veterans Day themed resource package with a focus on service.

Just as over 2 million US servicemen were mobilized for battle, General André Cox, leader of The Salvation Army, at the recent celebration to mark the year-long Whole World Mobilizing Campaign, called Salvationists the world over  to keep mobilizing for Jesus.

The resource package contains the following program elements, sure to add depth, reflection, and even some smiles in your Veterans Day themed service:


Salvationists are called to go into the trenches of fear, doubt, loneliness, and hunger to serve the hurting people of today’s world. Let us mobilize our forces for Jesus and ‘Go Forward in Service!’

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.Mark 10:45


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