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Christmas Resources 2016

So much of the Christmas story contained in the second chapters of Luke and Matthew’s Gospel is concerned with travel. Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and the magi, all set out on the road – a road that would lead them to the Christ Child. Many people this time of year reflect on their life’s journey – where they are, where they’ve come from, and where they’re going.  The resources contained in this package help to remind us that God is not only the destination on our road through life, He is the journey as well. This Christmas Eve, come journey with Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and the magi, as they encounter God on the Road.

Christmas 2016 feature imageThis year’s theme also encompasses the focus of the international Salvation Army, with the Whole World Mobilizing: Go Forward!  Christmas affords us the amazing opportunity to win the world for Jesus by sharing our faith, by performing acts of goodwill, and by simply being a Christ-like influence in the lives of others.


This Christmas themed resource package includes the following elements to assist you in your worship preparation:

  • Christmas Eve Program Outline with suggestions for musical groups, call to worship, prayer and testimony themes
  • Christmas Eve Sermon with Candlelight Service
  • Christmas Themed Children’s Message
  • Advent and Christmas Scriptures
  • Go Forward this Christmas video

It is our hope that these resources will help you and your congregation to Go Forward This Christmas with Jesus.


To download the videos, visit our Christmas video collection page.

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